#################################################### # 2020/05/16 - PsychOS486 - Meet Nimhy and Staples # #################################################### I can't remember if I've mentioned this to anyone before, but I'm thinking of giving PsychOS a mascot in addition to the symbol that already exists. Imagine a mouse that has spent some time as a lab rat but escaped and looks like a mixture between a mouse and a penguin but with crazy eyes and a blue stomach with a giant, stapled cut in the shape of a Psi symbol. One of the staples is missing and he is happily holding one of them. The mouse's name is "Nimhy" and his best friend's name is "Staples." Who needs a paper clip when you have staples? The following is an ASCII art rendering of a PNG image that should be available via the same, relative location you got this text file from. ______________________________________________________________________ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::___________:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\ |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ `-.::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| `.::::::::::::::::::::::::| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ `.::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::_____:::::::::::::| `.::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::,' \::::::::::::| `.::::::::::::::::::| |::::::/ `.::::::::::| \:::::::::::::::::| |:::::| |::::::::__\ \::::::::::::::::| |:::::/ \::::,--' |:::::::::::::::| |::::| `-./ |:::::::::::::::| |::::| /\ O _|:::::::::::::::| |::::| O /:::::::::::::::::| |:::::\ O O O /::::::::::::::::::| |:::::| O __ / O O /:::::::::::::::::::| |::::::`._/ /__\ | / /::::::::::::::::::::| |::::::::__\ \ O \ /:::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::/ O O O O /::: Nimhy ::::::| |::::::/ O /:::: and ::::::| |:::::/ O O \:::: Staples ::::::| |:::,' O O `.:::::::::::::::::::::| |::/ \::::::::::::::::::::| |:| `.::::::::::::::::::| |_/ / \:::::::::::::::::| | / __/ | \::::::::::::::::| | \ _,' | | `.::::::::::::::| |`. O _ / `--'--' /\ \:::::::::::::| |::`.________,,--''_/ || \::::::::::::| |:::__::::::::::::/ |/ |::::::::::_| |::|_ `.:::::::::/ ........., / | \::::::::,' | |::::\ |:::::::/ O O | | |:::::,' | |::::| \__::::/ O O |\ | \::,-' | |____/ / `-./ O \| // |/ | |__ / | O | \ | | |::`-./:\ | / | / | /| |::::::::`. / / | \ \\ // \\ || |::::::::::\| | | . O \ // /:| |:::::::::::\ \. | ./ O /::| |:::::::::::| \|/ O /:::| |:::::::::::| \ O ,'::::| |::::::::::::\ -\- O /::::::| |::::::::::::| --\-- O ,':::::::| |:::::::::::::`. --\-- O ,':::::::::| |:::::::::::::::`. o \ o ` O ... ,--':::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::__\ /:::::::::::::::| |::::::::::::::/ . ,'::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::/ ........ ______ ----------------/_:::::::::::::::::| |::::::::::::|_________,,--''::::::\ \::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ ___________|:::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`-.,-':::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ``--..____________________________________________________________,,--''