############################################### # 2020/12/18 - PsychDOS 0.0.1 - The Workbench # ############################################### I have basically decided to turn the dock at the bottom to focus on whatever the chosen Active File is. Right now, the dock has a "Change File" button for changing the Active File, a "Preview" button for viewing the or running the Active File, an "Edit" button for editing the Active File, a "Convert/Compile" button for converting or compiling (*.BAS) the Active File, and a few other options. Of course,at the moment, some of this is not set in stone, but I believe it will be incredibly helpful in saving time from having to constantly navigate to the same file that can be edited with multiple programs. Maybe renaming the "Dock" to "Workbench" would make more sense at this point. I am also removing the GMENU-related button from the dock/workbench and giving each category in the Programs menu a "Custom" option in which people can use the Launch/Edit options to add and run their own software. Custom needs its own special "&" (Alt+?) shortcut. [2021/01/18 Update]: The Convert/Compile button was replaced by a simple "Clear" button for the Active File as this proved to be a bit more difficult than I though; however, if applicable, certain menu items that require a filepath as an argument can still be used for compiling/converting. Also, "Custom" was changed to "Cust0m" since it is far more unlikely a program will start or even contain a "0".