####################################################### # 2021/01/09 - PsychDOS 0.0.1 - DOSSHELL and SET PATH # ####################################################### I worked on the File Manager and the Shell menu item some more. Now when you run the Shell option from PsychDOS's top menu bar, have an Active File selected, and have the Workbench set to "Globally," the Shell opens at the location of the Active File. The Shell menu item also runs like the other inlcuded programs do in which PsychDOS "ENDs," the program "PROGRAMS\SYSTEM\DOSSHELL.EXE" item runs, and then when exits, PsychDOS starts back up again, all of which saving you RAM. The "RUNME.EXE" was renamed to "PRGMNGR.EXE" and a BAT file is used instead so as to use 'SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\PSYCHDOS\...' and so forth for the Shell option.