Last updated: 2021/06/10 Please check the website at for any edits/updates to this file and files within the LOOKHERE directory and sub directories. The following is a list of known issues with PsychDOS and/or its included software. If there are solutions, I will try my best to let you know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: FMAIN related errors keep showing instead of running PsychDOS. Solution: This is possibly because you entered a URL instead of a file path in the File Chooser in regards to selecting an Active File or some other type of path PsychDOS does not understand. To fix, you will have to open and clear (do not delete) the "CONFIG\ACTVFILE.CFG", "CONFIG\ACTVDIR.CFG", "CONFIG\ACTVNAME.CFG", and "CONFIG\ACTVEXT.CFG" files. Then, use the RUNME.BAT file to start PsychDOS like you would normally. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: When running the TSR "ASCII Chart," some programs may give you an "out of memory" error. Solution: Open the SHELL, type EDIT and then open the ASCII chart to learn ATL+### codes. Remember, these codes are entered using a numpad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: Some programs are VERY picking about having the mouse driver properly setup and will not run otherwise and if the do, you may loose enough functionality to have to reboot instead of being able to quit the program normally; this may even include keyboard shortcuts. Solution: I have had issues with this regarding CuteMouse not working on newer hardware; and so far, the best solution I have been able to come up with is to use MOUSE.COM from VBDOS and MOUSE.SYS from MS WORD 5.5. I also changed the EGA code numbers in DISPLAY="..." in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to use 437 instead of 858. AUTOEXEC.BAT as "LH=C:\PATH\TO\MOUSE.COM" FDCONFIG.SYS as "DEVICE=C:\PATH\TO\MOUSE.SYS" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: FlWriter on newer hardware will function much faster than on older hardware but any feature that requires opening the file chooser dialog may result in crashing FlWriter. Solution: Use DOSBox or actual older hardware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: DOS Navigator (DN151) only understands dial-up connections and so its Network-related features may not work. However, there are other telnet- related programs included that will connect to plain http BBS's just fine. Solution: If your residence still has the wiring for dial-up and can still find a dial-up service in 2021+, you should be fine. Other than that, not a clue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: If you switch the active panel to a different drive letter other than where PsychDOS's PRGMNGR.EXE is located and then exit DOS Navigator, PsychDOS will crash. Solution: When using DOS Navigator, make sure to switch back to the drive letter where PsychDOS is located before exiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: WGET and CURL may give you issues with downloading files. Solution: Use LINKS to download files from https sites. This has been confirmed to work on places like and on TheOuterLinux and PsychOS websites using GitLab as their host. So for now, so far so good in the year 2021. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: PsychDOS installed on top of FreeDOS that is running within QEMU has this weird behavior in which the up, down, page up, and page down keys are too sensitive; in other words, using the up key once behaves like it was pressed twice. Solution: No idea, but PsychDOS supports the mouse. And if you are doing things like reading text in Links or a PDF in MuPDF, try using the spacebar or the h, j, k, and l keys; a lot of the command-line programs use these keys for navigation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: Mpxplayer not playing Internet radio stations. I have been trying plain http sites with playlist file extensions such as pls and m3u. It will sometimes display the title of the station but not do anything else. Maybe the playlists can be online but they cannot be dynamic like an Internet radio station? Solution: I am not sure if this is an actual issue or just ignorance on my part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: Mpxplay or MPLAYER not playing audio on your newer computer. Solution: The included version of Mpxplay is the latest at the time of this writing that you can get; but regardless, it probably will not work on a newer computer. So, you will have to convert your audio files to an MP4 to then try with MPLAYER. For some reason, you have to add a video layer for this to work on the current version of MPLAYER for DOS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: ZSNES crashes on newer hardware. Solution: Try turning off the sound in ZSNES's menu before playing a game. Sound should have been turned off for you by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Issue: Viewing a PS file using Ghostscript, followed by using the ENTER key may result in Ghostscript "zooming" through each of the pages with no way to stop it until it reaches the end. Solution: It is possible that Ghostscript is just not playing nice with faster computers or DOSBox. Worse case, just convert it to a PDF and view with MuPDF instead.