################################################################################## # 2019/02/01 - PsychOS 3.2.6 - Realtime kernel, wallpapers, and static filepaths # ################################################################################## I changed the default kernel to use realtime with PAE. I've also added some custom wallpapers and I'm thinking about making the Parking Garage one the default. I'm still keeping the one from the 2.x series, sort of the same way XFCE keeps their traditional blue background and mouse. I went through all of the results of "grep -R 'psychos'" and replaced all of the "/home/psychos" in the file results with "~". However, a few programs still replace it back with "/home/psychos." Doing this with PCSXR produces errors, which is unfortunate because the default video needs to be opengl instead of xvideo. I did a 'locate pcsxr' and there doesn't appear to be a file that pcsxr.conf is being copied from. I may have to make a script for this. I added 'tilda' drop-down terminal emulator as a Session and Startup item. I also added "/usr/local/bin/tumbler-monitor" for a better thumbnail experience. I'm going to remove the mobile GPS creator program because it just seems way too out-of-place. I just want a program I can make a standardized map with.