Number of confirmed downloads: ???; I have no idea yet. I need mirrors with numbers in order to find out as I do not have any analytics on this site itself.
3. Open MultiBootUSB and under "Select USB Stick" choose the appropriate USB and partition. For example, '/dev/sdc1'.
4. Under "Select image" either enter the full path or use "Browse" to find the PsychOS iso file.
5. At the bottom, under the "MultiBootUSB" tab, click "Install distro".
6. Find a movie to watch because it is probably going to be a while.
7. Boot from the USB stick like you normally would and at the first menu that you see, select the option closest to "PsychOS x.x.x".
8. If you are still having issues, then you may need to run sudo parted /dev/sdc set 1 boot on; replace the "sdc" with your USB. This is because some of these USB boot programs do not add /boot flags automatically.
Not all of the features of MultiBootUSB have been tested with PsychOS.
The resources listed below may or may not be included with any of the distributions listed above. The GNU General Public License (GPL) requires that source code be made available; however, if source code were to be included with every distribution for every GPL-licensed software, there would be much fewer software "out-of-the-box." Many FOSS-loving distributions get around this issue by having both a package.deb and a package-src.deb (or equivalent for other systems) in their repositories and therefore, I believe the following method is just as compliant.
Also note that not all software listed below are GPL-licensed and therefore may only include a link to a website or binary.
MEGA65's Open ROMs - A project to create unencumbered open-source ROMs for use on selected retro computers. This is used to provide ROMs for VICE's C64 emulation to keep things legal. [Source]
MESS - Emulates SEVERAL consoles and systems; no ROMs included. [Source] | [Binary]
Nestopia - An NES emulator; the version included with PsychOS486 uses WINE. [Source] | [Binary]
!!NetRunner - "...providing the most accurate and highest quality ANSI-BBS experience". [Binary]
The DOS version of OHRRPGCE (Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine), but is a mixture of hasta-la-qb+ and hspeak.exe from tirgoviste. [Source] | [Binary]
The Windows version (WINE) of OHRRPGCE (Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine). [Source] | [Binary]
Playscii - An open source ASCII art and animation program. [Source](0.9.14; I tried to get the 0.9.12 version PsychOS 3.4.6 comes with, but it was not available anymore.)
Poster - View GIF's (non-animated) and convert them to ANSI. [Binary]
PsychOS Tools - tools that help PsychOS stand-out from most GNU/Linux distributions.
Not a complete list and much of it pertains to PsychOS 3.4.6...
CLIMax - A TUI (Terminal User Interface) to help those new to the command-line get a feel for it.
DayMode/NightMode scripts - Use these as an on/off switch to change the screen's gamma to a red tint for night-time use. You're welcome astronomers.
DictHighlight script - Accessed from bottom left hidden panel to quickly lookup dictionary information on highlighted text.
image-edit script - use to edit images from the command-line (TTY/console supported).
img2qb - Easily convert modern image formats to a DATA array for use with QuickBasic and FreeBASIC projects.
movbg script - Use as 'movbg /path/to/video' to play a video as your desktop wallpaper.
MusicMode script - same as movbg but accessed from the applications menu and looks at a text file for URL's.
Notitrans - Accessed from the bottom left hidden panel to translate highlighted text using the Internet.
qrselect script - Accessed from the bottom left hidden panel to convert highlighted text to a QR Code for use with mobile devices.
QuickEdit script - A Thunar custom action for quickly editing files such as image size, converting, change last modified date, add/remove metadata, etc.
RetroGrab - A download manager for older resources based on bookmarks pulled from a Git repository that contain various information. This information may contain links to websites, support pages, videos, downloads, and may or may not have the ability to install a selected resource. However, none of the listed resources are directly hosted on anything own by TheOuterLinux without having the authority to do so, hence "bookmarks." And, most of the listed resources are freeware, shareware, free and open-source, and etc.
Scholar script - Accessed from the bottom left hidden panel to quickly lookup scholarly resources using Google Scholar based on highlighted text.
StreamPi - Use this to live stream or locally record your desktop as OBS Studio does not support older hardware.
Translator script - A TUI (Terminal User Interface) for translating scanned documents (uses tesseract for OCR), having local conversations, and other things.
WikiHighlight script - Accessed from the bottom left hidden panel to quickly lookup Wikipedia information based on highlighted text.
PsychOS486 Tools - tools that help PsychOS486 stand-out from most GNU/Linux distributions.
Not a complete list and much of it pertains to PsychOS486 1.6.5...
CLIMax - A TUI (Terminal User Interface) to help those new to the command-line get a feel for it. This has been edited for PsychOS486.
CompressOrExtract script - Hopefully make it easier to compress or extract archive files, especially in XFCE as a compatible 'thunar-archive-plugin' could not be found
DayMode/NightMode scripts - Use these as an on/off switch to change the screen's gamma to a red tint for night-time use. You're welcome astronomers.
DontPanic - A YAD-based script that lists several BBS and Gopher sites to use with Lynx so that the limited Internet browsing (SSL issues) is not so bad.
DOSREC - I couldn't get RetroGrab into PsychOS486 because I couldn't get Gambas to install, so the next best thing was to use HTML files and Links to help you find more DOS software for DOSMEU. If you manage to get DOSBox installed and working on PsychOS486, let me know how immediately.
image-edit script - use to edit images from the command-line (TTY/console supported).
Notebook script - More like a dialog-based, command-line journal that you organize your notes via subjects and dates
open script - Most people new to the command-line use 'open /path/to/file.ext' and nothing happens; now it does.
QuickEdit script - A Thunar custom action for quickly editing files such as image size, converting, change last modified date, add/remove metadata, etc.
Rddit script - Choose either to visit Reddit via Telnet or Gopher
Station! script - Quickly access an Internet radio list
StreamPi's CLI version - Use this to live stream or locally record your desktop as OBS Studio does not support older hardware. This is the command-line version.
QB64 - Develop programs using the QuickBasic 4.5 language with easy to use added functions for modern systems. [Source]
QB64 (PsychOS486's included version) - Develop programs using the QuickBasic 4.5 language with easy to use added functions for modern systems; uses WINE; QB64 v0.85; freeware [Binary]
Rush - A very well balanced GUI desktop environment for DOS. [Binary] | [Extra icons]
SCLUB - Sound Club by Bluemoon Interactive is an awesome alternative to most of the classic music tracker programs as it behaves more like a modern digital audio workstation, even though it's from 1994. The DOS version allows importing of MIDI and both will export to formats like MOD.[Windows] | [DOS]
Snes9x - A SNES emulator; i486 version (1.52) included with PsychOS486. [Source] | [Binary]
uTox - Encrypted P2P communitcation featuring talk (audio and/or video as webcam or desktop), text, and file sharing with no sign-ups. [Binary] | [Source]
!!XnSketch - Turn your photos into cartoons or sketches. [Binary]
** Software listed with "!!" at the beginning are not included with any of the listed distributions; however, those distributions may or may not have an installer that can be accessed from a menu or command-line for the software. This is because of missing information in regards to that software's redistribution and it is safer to not assume.
++ "Manually Installed" refers to software added by means other than normal package management such as compiling from source or adding already pre-compiled binaries like EXE's for DOS software and other emulated operating systems.