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____ _ ___ ____ The following was created with JavE ASCII art editor:
| _ \ ___ _ _ ___| |__ / _ \/ ___| .-----------.
| |_) / __| | | |/ __| '_ \| | | \___ \ | Support |
| __/\__ \ |_| | (__| | | | |_| |___) | __ '-----------'
|_| |___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/|____/ (_ _ __ _ _ __ _ |_ _ _|_ _
|___/ by TheOuterLinux __)(_ | (/_(/_| |_> | |(_) |__>
.---.-Hidden Panel A..-Hidden Panel B----.----------------------------.
|0:0|===============''===================' | ASCII Version of Desktop
|```| __________________ | ------------------------
|```| ,''`. [##################] |
|```| '..,' --------------------------------- | The main panel is a vertical
|```| Install... ......````,,--'''--..`````.... | panel placed at the left
|```| .....```,' --. \``.... | side of the desktop. There
|```| .....,' ''-..`| `.`.. | is a button at the bottom of
|```| ....| .. \| |.. Dark parking | the panel called a "Whisker
|```| ...| '`''''. |. garage wallpaper | Menu." This is a searchable
|```| ...'. | ,'. with PsychOS | applications menu. Above the
|```| ....\ | ,'.. symbol on a wall | Whisker Menu is a
|```|<-Main panel ....`.._ _,,'.... and a red neon | notification area. This area
|```| ....... '`''......... reflection of Tux | contains things such as an
|/`\| -------------------------- the penguin on | icon for power management
|\`/|<-Web launcher __ _.,--._ `. black pavement. | (battery status and the
|.-.| _/'' `' | `. | like), Synapse (quickly run
|[_]|<-Thunar launcher Y._ __.' \ ,' '-. | programs or open files), a
|`_`| '' '`-'' \ | volume indicator, and an
||@||<-nm-applet \. / `. | Internet connection status
||}||<-Volume icon 'Y' ,Y-'''''`Y' `. | indicator (nm-applet).
||0||<-Synapse ' '-. | Above the Notification Area
||O||<-Power manager =========================================------ | is a launcher for the Thunar
|'-'| | ,, ..___| | file manager and above it is
|/`\|<-Whisker Menu '`'' | a launcher for the default
|\`/|.==============. .========================| web browser. At the top left
'---''-Hidden Panel C------------------------'---Hidden Panel D-------' f the main panel is a clock
set to UTC by default but can be changed to a different time-zone. On the desktop is an "Install
PsychOS" icon for launching the installer (refractainstaller). Throughout the desktop are hidden
panels for quickly doing various things such as checking the weather and e-mail notifications (A),
controlling media playback (B), switching quick tools (C), and switching workspaces (D).