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   ____                 _      ___  ____    The following was created with JavE ASCII art editor:
  |  _ \ ___ _   _  ___| |__  / _ \/ ___|         .-----------.
  | |_) / __| | | |/ __| '_ \| | | \___ \         |  Support  |
  |  __/\__ \ |_| | (__| | | | |_| |___) |   __   '-----------'
  |_|   |___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/|____/   (_  _  __ _  _ __  _ |_  _ _|_ _
             |___/  by  TheOuterLinux       __)(_  | (/_(/_| |_> | |(_) |__>


.---.----------------.-Hidden Panel B----.----------------------------.
|0:0|`Date`+`Time``| '==================='                            |    Hidden panel "A"
|```|--------------+        __________________                        |    ----------------
|```|`````City`````|       [##################]                       | By default, PsychOS uses
|```|--------------+ --------------------------------                 | the desktop environment
|```|````Weather```| ......````,,--'''--..`````....                   | called "XFCE." This desktop
|```|--------------+  .....```,'  --.     \``....                     | allows for placing hidden
|```|``````{}``````|   .....,' ''-..`|     `.`..                      | panels that only reveal
|```|````/////\````|                          .    Dark parking       | themselves when a mouse is
|```|```||||||||```| <--Notification bell for      garage wallpaper   | placed over.
|```|``/////////\``|    email alerts.        .     with PsychOS       |
|```|``||||||||||``|                  |   ,'..     symbol on a wall   | Hidden panel "A" contains
|```|``````@)``````|       ....`.._   _,,'....     and a red neon     | Date and time, city location
|```|--------------'      ....... '`''.........    reflection of Tux  | based on the results of
|/`\|      ^           --------------------------  the penguin on     | using curl and, as
|\`/|      |              __            _.,--._ `.   black pavement.  | well as using the same
|.-.|  Hidden Panel    _/''            `'     |   `.                  | service for current weather
|[_]|  A revealed      Y._ __.'          \   ,'    '-.                | information. Below the
|`_`|                    ''              '`-''        \               | weather information is an
||@||                     \.              /            `.             | area for displaying email
||}||                      'Y'  ,Y-'''''`Y'              `.           | notifications. Normally,
||0||                          '                          '-.         | this plugin has a much
||O||          ------=========================================------  | smaller icon, but I guess
|'-'|                       |  ,,     ..___|                          | because of how it is being
|/`\|                       '`''                                      | presented, along with the
|\`/|.==============.                        .========================| panel type, it is large.
'---'--Hidden Panel C------------------------'---Hidden Panel D-------'

 It may seem to be better to just use xfce4-weather-plugin instead of the "Generic Monitor" plugin,
 but the problem with that is privacy as the first thing the plugin does as soon as there is an
 Internet connection is save your public IP address-based location to a file. However, the way that
 I have the Generic Monitor plugin to check weather, it doesn't save anything.