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   ____                 _      ___  ____    The following was created with JavE ASCII art editor:
  |  _ \ ___ _   _  ___| |__  / _ \/ ___|         .-----------.
  | |_) / __| | | |/ __| '_ \| | | \___ \         |  Support  |
  |  __/\__ \ |_| | (__| | | | |_| |___) |   __   '-----------'
  |_|   |___/\__, |\___|_| |_|\___/|____/   (_  _  __ _  _ __  _ |_  _ _|_ _
             |___/  by  TheOuterLinux       __)(_  | (/_(/_| |_> | |(_) |__>


.---.-Hidden Panel A..-----------------------------.------------------.
|0:0|==============='|  DeaDBeeF Player Controls   |                  |  Hidden Panel "B"
|```|                |   _                         |                  |  ----------------
|```| ,''`.          |  | | |\ || |//_ _\\| --.>   |<--Stop, Play,    | This panel is for quickly
|```| '..,'          |  '-' |/ || |\\   //| R-'>   |   Pause, Seek<<  | running multimedia-related
|```| Install...     |   ---------------------     |   Seek>>, and    | programs such as DeadBeeF,
|```|                |   Multimedia Applications   |   Randomize.     | DVD playback, audio CD,
|```|                |                             |                  | PyRadio, mpsyt, volume,
|```|                |DVD    CD  .PyR MPSYT Vol Eje|                  | and eject (for discs).
|```|                |/``\  /``\  \_  .--.   // / \| Dark parking     |
|```|                |'()'  '()|| |O| |> | c<{{ ---| garage wallpaper | Though most audio MIME's
|```|                |\__>  \__<< ''' '--'   \\ ---| with PsychOS     | for PsychOS are preset for
|```|                '-----------------------------' symbol on a wall | you to play using MPV,
|```|                                                and a red neon   | when it comes to playing
|/`\|                  --------------------------    reflection of Tux| multiple music files in
|\`/|                     __            _.,--._ `.   the penguin on   | succession, DeaDBeeF is
|.-.|                  _/''            `'     |   `. black pavement.  | would probably be the
|[_]|                  Y._ __.'          \   ,'    '-.                | preferred audio player in
|`_`|                    ''              '`-''        \               | most cases as it supports
||@||                     \.              /            `.             | an unbelievable amount of
||}||                      'Y'  ,Y-'''''`Y'              `.           | audio file formats.
||0||                          '                          '-.         |
||O||         -------=========================================------  | PyRadio is a command-line,
|'-'|                       |  ,,     ..___|                          | Internet radio player that
|/`\|                       '`''                                      | is fairly simple to use and
|\`/|.==============.                        .========================| comes with presets for
'---''-Hidden Panel C------------------------'---Hidden Panel D-------' various music genres.

 If PyRadio isn't enough or you are used to listening to music off of YouTube, you can run mpsyt
 (mps-youtube), a command-line, YouTube music player. Though, you can also set it to play the video
 and show results for more than just music. Next to that is a volume indicator and an eject button
 for CD/DVD disc removal.